Pacific Lutheran University Statement on 隐私

美高梅集团app下载ios有兴趣确保所有学生的隐私, 教职员工 is respected, and that no activities interfere with education, 研究或住宿生活.

美高梅集团app下载ios是私有财产. 然而,校园的一些公共区域通常对游客开放. 这些区域包括安德森大学中心及其公共用餐区, Mortvedt图书馆, 户外旅游区, 以及通过广告通知邀请公众前往的地点(如公共教育场所), 文化或体育活动). 即使在这些地方, 媒体代表不得干涉学生的隐私, 教职员工, 或者教育方面的, 研究 and residential activities. 大学可以在任何时候撤销在这些或任何其他区域出现的许可. Media representatives are not authorized to enter academic or residential areas unless they have been invited for appropriate business or social purposes and have the express permission of the responsible 教师 member, 管理员, 宿舍主任, or 美高梅集团app下载ios’s division of 市场营销 & 通信. 此外, when permission to enter 学生 residences is secured, 该许可仅限于一楼休息室和用餐区等公共区域.

No commercial activity – including the taking of photos or similar audio or visual recordings that are sold to others or otherwise used for commercial purposes – may occur on the campus without the University’s permission. 参与未经授权的商业活动的人将被要求立即离开校园. 请求许可应提交给办公室 市场营销 & 通信 or, as appropriate, to the Department of 体育运动. Recognized 学生 groups and official units of the University will be granted such permission so long as they do not violate the privacy or property interests of others; so long as any sale of their products is predominantly on campus to 学生s, 教职员工; and so long as they comply with applicable University policies and procedures.

违反本政策者可能要承担刑事和/或民事责任, as well as University disciplinary action.


美高梅集团app下载ios制定了这个隐私声明,以表明我们对隐私的坚定承诺. These policies and procedures conform to the 家庭教育权利 and 隐私法 (FERPA) of 1974.

照片 & 视频的政策


Pacific Lutheran University is a private university. 如欲在美高梅集团app下载ios拥有的土地上拍摄或摄影,必须获得美高梅集团app下载ios的明确许可:

Personal photos may be taken by 学生s, 父母, 教师, 工作人员, 校友和其他校园访客,只要他们(i)专门用于个人目的, 非商业用途, (ii)拍摄该等照片符合本政策, including the wedding and portrait photography policy below, (三)不干扰大学的日常运作.  美高梅集团app下载ios will consider requests for use of campus photography and/or video in commercial or marketing usage from groups attending events on campus and other visitors.  Please 联系 美高梅集团app下载ios’s 市场营销 & 通信 department for permission at 253-535-7436.

尽管有上述规定, 大学保留以任何理由禁止在其土地上拍摄或摄影的权利, 包括拍摄或摄影是否会造成以下可能性:(i)扰乱学术, 研究, business or 学生 activities; (ii) damage to or alteration of university property; (iii) inappropriate use of the 美高梅集团app下载ios name, marks or image; (iv) disruption of traffic, parking or pedestrian pathways; (v) other safety hazards; or (vi) violations of the university’s privacy policies (see following sections).

照片 & 视频退出政策

Pacific Lutheran University may at times use photographs, audio, 和/或员工和学生用于教育目的的录像, 宣传, and 学生 recruitment on behalf of the university, 通过互联网, 印刷出版物, 以及其他媒体.


Should an employee or 学生 (or the 父母 or guardians of such persons who are under the age of 18) NOT want to be photographed or recorded, 或将其姓名或传记信息用于任何此类照片或录音, 他们必须向市场部提交一份填妥的“拒绝拍照表格”(见下文) & 通讯科

Individuals who submit a completed 照片 退出形式 are also responsible for removing themselves from areas in which photography and/or recording is taking place, or notifying the camera operator of their opt-out status. Failure to do so may result in that individual’s inclusion in a photograph or recording and will be treated as consent for the university to utilize that photograph or recording accordingly.

公共空间 & 事件

Please be advised that images and videos taken in public spaces and/or at public events do not require authorization for publication. 你在大学设施和/或财产内或周围的存在, as well as at off-campus university-sponsored events, 即表示您同意美高梅集团app下载ios捕获和/或使用您的图像和/或声音, and waives any claims or rights, 无论是在法律上还是在衡平法上.

When a completed 照片 退出形式 is on file, 大学将尽一切努力尊重个人的选择退出状态, even in public spaces or at public events.

新闻相关的拍摄 & 摄影

并不营销 & 通讯能满足对新闻的合理要求, 有关新闻, 非商业射击, but reserves the right to deny permission when the request runs contrary to university policies – especially those that ensure 学生 privacy. 所有与新闻相关的拍摄或摄影的主题必须与大学直接相关.


  1.  记者必须遵守学校的隐私政策.  No one at 美高梅集团app下载ios can be filmed without his or her permission, 公众和媒体受邀参加的公共活动除外.
  2. 在任何情况下,拍摄新闻相关的摄影或在室内拍摄都需要获得许可. This includes administration and office buildings, 教室, 实验室, 学生宿舍, 以及餐饮设施.
  3. 未经市场部许可,记者不得在校园内任何地方停放卫星卡车 & 用于新闻目的的通信或用于体育赛事的美高梅集团app下载ios田径.
  4. 没有市场部的协助,记者不鼓励在美高梅集团app下载ios进行“街头采访” & 通信.
  5. 所有在美高梅集团app下载ios校园工作的记者都必须持有相应的证书.


市场营销 & 如有需要,可提供通讯协助新闻摄制组在校园内拍摄, 包括在获得拍摄许可的情况下,帮助设置拍摄地点和进入禁区. 在很多情况下, especially if you are not familiar with 美高梅集团app下载ios, 如果您拨打253-535-7436,我们可以节省您的时间和精力.


市场营销 & 通信 maintains a library of current photos. 点击这里了解更多.  欲了解更多信息或安排摄影,请联系:



美高梅集团app下载ios提供的照片仅用于编辑目的,并注明出处. Altering or otherwise embellishing these photos in any way that changes the photographs’ editorial content is prohibited. Permission is for one-time use only. Supplied image files must be deleted after use.

b - roll的视频



美高梅集团app下载ios has broadcast studio facilities available to the news media on a prior request basis for interviewing 教职员工. 我们有能力通过综合服务数字网进行广播直播. For more information 联系 市场营销 & 通讯 or 253-535-7436.

Non-新闻 Filming or 摄影

美高梅集团app下载ios禁止使用其土地和建筑物进行商业和营销相关的摄影和拍摄. 然而,美高梅集团app下载ios营销 & 通信 will consider requests involving, 例如, 为文章或电视节目拍摄的摄影作品, 电影, documentaries or educational-related projects, providing the subject matter is related to 美高梅集团app下载ios.  For more information, please 联系 us at 253-535-7436.

Film crews requesting permissions to film on campus must be prepared to demonstrate the following insurance requirements:

  • 商业一般责任:发生事故300万美元/合计500万美元, 美高梅集团app下载ios endorsed as additional insured
  • Workers’ Compensation – WA State statutory requirements
  • 志愿者事故-每位志愿者50,000美元/总计500,000美元
  • 电影制作人的错误和遗漏/媒体责任- 200万美元


Requests to film or photograph sporting events on 美高梅集团app下载ios’s campus should be directed to 美高梅集团app下载ios’s Athletic 通信 and Media Relations Department at 253-535-7356.

婚礼 & 肖像摄影

People with a 美高梅集团app下载ios connection—meaning, 例如, 新娘或新郎是校友, 学生, 教职员工可以申请婚礼和肖像摄影和拍摄许可.  申请许可必须至少提前5个工作日收到.

  • Name of the person making the request, 他或她在大学的隶属关系和美高梅集团app下载ios.
  • Date and time requested (Note that the university will not accommodate wedding photography during weekdays or when there are major events on campus).
  • 所要求的具体地点.
  • Number of people and amount of equipment involved.
  • Potential disruption (sound, light, physical, 等.)大学活动.
  • 照片grapher and videographer must be able to provide proof of adequate insurance coverage and indemnity and cannot use the resulting photographs for marketing purposes. 由此产生的照片和/或视频必须仅供个人使用, non-commercial use of the 美高梅集团app下载ios affiliate.
  • University affiliate must carry proof of identity and of the university’s permission during the photography or film session and is responsible for assuring that the photographer and videographer adhere to the university’s policies.

Email requests for permission to the division of 市场营销 & 通讯


  • 未经批准,禁止使用无人机进行拍摄或摄影, proof of current FAA certification, and proof of required insurance (see Non-新闻 Filming or 摄影). 另外, the university requires written approval from Joint Base Lewis McChord due to 美高梅集团app下载ios’s location within a five-mile radius of the air base. 欲了解更多信息,请查看无人机系统(无人机和模型飞机)使用批准政策
  • 使用美高梅集团app下载ios的名称, 其他商标、标志, 未经学校书面许可,禁止使用与任何照片或电影有关的图像.
  • 根据上述规定,未经学校许可,禁止在美高梅集团app下载ios进行室内射击, 除了, 由负责该空间的大学官员或教员批准.  室内射击被认为是对大学功能的固有破坏,需要书面许可.
  • 仅限美高梅集团app下载ios学生在美高梅集团app下载ios校园内进行学术拍摄或摄影, 教职员工和其他参加美高梅集团app下载ios学术课程的人, 美高梅集团app下载ios赞助的项目和其他在美高梅集团app下载ios校园内进行的项目,其中摄影是项目的一部分. 由此产生的影片和照片不得用于商业目的.
  • All professional filmmakers and photographers working on the 美高梅集团app下载ios campus are expected to carry and provide proof of appropriate insurance.
  • Members of the university 市场营销 & 通信 工作人员 are not available to scout locations.


For more information, 联系 the  & 通讯科 或致电253-535-7436.

Pacific Lutheran University Website 隐私 Policy


This online privacy statement is intended to inform you of the ways in which this website (“Site”) collects information, the uses to which that information will be put, 以及我们保护您选择提供给我们的信息的方式.

Please note that Pacific Lutheran University websites may adopt different privacy practices as their specific needs require.

使用本网站须遵守所有适用的州和联邦法律, as well as general University policies.


本网站收集两类信息:(a)您自愿提供给我们的信息, which may include personal information (such as your name, address, 电子邮件地址, 等.), (b)您通过cookie访问本网站时我们自动收集的信息, third party tracking technologies and server logs.

本网站只收集您在知情情况下自愿提供的个人信息, 例如, 回应调查, 填写会员表格, 发送电子邮件, 等. It is this Site’s general practice to use personal information only for the purposes for which it was requested and any additional uses specifically stated on the Site. 然而, 通过本网站收集的信息可能受到大学对传票作出回应的义务的约束, 法庭命令, 以及发现请求. 进一步, 通过本网站收集的信息的披露受《 家庭教育权利 & 隐私法.

虽然本网站有适当的安全措施来保护用户提供给我们的个人信息, 用户还应采取措施保护个人信息, 例如, closing all web browsers after using the Site. Information disclosed in chat rooms, 新闻集团, 论坛, message boards and similar contexts may become public. 因此,用户在此类情况下披露个人信息时应谨慎行事.

Information We Collect Automatically

如果您在访问期间什么都不做,只是浏览网站或下载信息, 我们的系统将自动收集和存储有关您访问的某些信息. This information does not identify you personally and is used in an aggregate way to help us improve our website and tell us the number of visitors to our site each day.

大学使用基于展示广告的Google Analytics(分析)功能.g. 再处置, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, DoubleClick Campaign Manager集成或Google Analytics人口统计和兴趣报告). 使用广告设置, 访问者可以选择退出谷歌分析显示广告和自定义谷歌显示网络广告.

请同时参考 Google Analytics’ currently available opt outs for the web.


  • The visitor’s domain name, but not the 电子邮件地址
  • 访问者的IP地址
  • The name and release number of web 浏览器软件 used
  • 使用的操作系统
  • Date and time you access our site
  • 链接到我们的网站的地址(引荐URL)
  • 人口统计资料(年龄、性别及按年龄和性别划分的交通概览)
  • 亲和、市场内和其他类别的流量概览


“饼干”是用来收集网站活动信息的小文本文件. 我们不会通过使用cookie收集任何个人信息. This Site uses cookies for two main purposes: (a) to carry information about your current session at this Site from one web page to the next, 它还能让你自动登录美高梅集团app下载ios的网站, and (b) to identify you on this Site on return visits.

您可以通过更改浏览器的首选项来选择禁用或不接受cookie. 如果您选择禁用cookie,您仍然可以使用我们网站的某些部分. 但是,您将无法使用本网站任何需要登录的部分(例如.g. accessing secured content, posting to message boards, 等).


Third Party Tracking and Retargeting Technology

美高梅集团app下载ios使用第三方跟踪技术,如谷歌分析, Siteimprove, Facebook和Instagram.

谷歌分析用于获取网站使用信息,如用户的互联网协议(IP)地址, Internet domain and host names, 浏览器软件, and the date and time that the Site is visited. Data obtained through Google Analytics does not include, 并且没有关联, 任何个人信息. 来自谷歌分析的数据使我们能够监控网站的使用情况, understand how users find our Site, and improve the Site’s function and content.

通过谷歌分析收集的网站使用数据不会与其他谷歌产品和工具共享. 我们对Google Analytics的使用符合Google的服务条款.

谷歌提供了有关谷歌的隐私实践的更多信息 如何选择退出谷歌分析跟踪你的网页浏览.

monsieur是我们用来跟踪质量保证和网站可访问性合规性的第三方应用程序. It does not track any personal information. 它监视网站的内容和设计,以便随时注意诸如拼写错误和断开链接之类的事情, as well as level of compliance for Web 可访问性.

This site makes use of Facebook和Instagram to collect or receive information from this website and elsewhere on the internet and uses that information to provide measurement services and targeted ads.




  • The date, time and length of your visit.
  • The path taken through our Site and the browser being used.
  • 下载的文件列表和观看视频或音频文件所花费的时间.
  • The IP 添加ress of the computer accessing our Site.
  • 遇到的任何错误.



This Site may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that we do not control or claim any responsibility for the privacy practices or content of such other sites. 我们鼓励用户阅读他们访问的每个网站的隐私声明.


Neither Pacific Lutheran University, 也不是它的任何单位, 项目, 员工, 代理人或个人受托人, 对通过使用本网站获得的信息的任何不当或不正确使用承担责任.




If you have any questions about this privacy statement, 本网站的实践, or your dealings with this Website, 联系