March 8-9, 2018, Anderson University Center

Free and open to 美高梅集团app下载ios and surrounding communities; registration strongly recommended


8th WANG CENTER SYMPOSIUM 迁移: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Understanding of Human Mobility

Making use of a defining trait, 流动性, humans and non-humans alike embark on both short and long, often arduous and treacherous treks, to search for water and food, 逃离危险, or find more hospitable environments to achieve their goals. 最近, migration patterns have been disrupted and accelerated as all species confront the very real consequences of climate change, which include an increase in global health crises and the destruction of fragile ecosystems and the life that dwells in them. “While movement is not a required element of trafficking, it is the case that those fleeing are especially vulnerable to trafficking—whether at home, 在运输过程中, or upon reaching their destination.” (

The border separating USA and Mexico
The border between USA and Mexico.

Unprecedented migrant and refugee crises throughout the globe, 此外, including our own southern border, are rekindling debates about cultural autonomy, 国家认同, 边界, 和安全. 类似的, the movement of non-human life forms, 包括疾病, raises questions regarding global commons, 国际合作, 和保护. These debates and questions, 反过来, are reshaping nations’ political futures through the dismantling of long-sought-after civil and human rights, of geopolitical unions like the EU, and of trade pacts such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. These same debates threaten to dissolve unprecedented climate accords such as the Paris Agreement, the global action plan that seeks to limit global warming to well below 2°C by the end of this century.

The 2018 Wang Center Symposium gathers scholars, 作家, 艺术家, and practitioners to explore the causes and effects, the patterns and disruptions, 还有过去, present and future of migration, an issue that one expert argues, will define the twenty-first century . Seeking a nuanced and compassionate understanding of this pressing issue, the two-day conference will attempt to answer some of the following questions: Why do humans move? What methods exist to document the history and patterns of migration? 社区以什么方式, 区域, 状态 and global policies and powers foster or hinder migration and why? What evidence is there that climate change is impacting migration? Are there patterns in migrant resettlement? If so, what do they look like and what can we learn from them? How has increased awareness of 流动性 shaped academic disciplines and the arts? What examples exist—historical and contemporary—of effective, 有创意的, and humane responses to human and non-human movement, 在一般情况下, 难民危机, human and non-human trafficking, 特别是?


See a detailed panels list and bios of the 8th Biennial Wang Center Symposium speakers.


Find out times and room locations of each session for the Mar. 8 - 9研讨会.


The 美高梅集团app下载ios community is invited to participate in a 迁移 阅读小组挑战.

Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education

Made possible by a generous gift from Drs. Grace和Peter Wang, the Center is an academic support unit dedicated to providing faculty, students and staff with the resources necessary to advance 美高梅集团app下载ios’s distinction and vision for global education of “educating for a just, 健康的, sustainable and peaceful world at home and abroad” through faculty development and grant opportunities, delivery of study away programs, on-campus programming on pressing world issues and a commitment to best practices when engaging with educational partners worldwide.



沃尔特·C. Schnackenberg